Pure Caffeine Powder in Europe?

March 10, 2009

A whole new company has seen the light in Europe! (APRIL 2009)

The company is called Euro-Caffeine and their direct link is http://www.Euro-Caffeine.com
The good thing is, that they are vertically integrated (like the crime-guy from Miami Vice says) so they produce, farm, grow, harvest, export, etc., all the caffeine for themselfes.

The plants are 100% organic grown, making this caffeine powder 100% pure and organic!
Much caffeine powder on the market today is synthetic caffeine or caffeine that is thinned down. But here you can actually PURCHASE completely pure caffeine powder that is organic.

So I highly recommend that website. The other good thing is, that the prices are in € euro, and the delivery is damn fast. You can select different languages on the website, that emphasizes their control over the European market 🙂


So yet again, let me recommend http://www.Euro-Caffeine.com

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